Use "loamy|loamier|loamiest" in a sentence

1. Soil – Soil Types: Sandy – Clayey – Loamy

2. Median values of concentration coeffi cients of Allothigenic and Allothigenic accessory elements in sandy-loamy (A) and loamy-clayey (B) soil formed on diff erent age basal till.

3. (a) Clayey soil (b) sandy soil (c) loamy soil (d) none of these

4. Arrowroots are planted from suckers in deep, well-drained, loamy moist soils

5. A Astilbes are hardy herbaceous perennials which prefer a deep, moist, loamy soil.

6. Raynham Coarse-silty, mixed, active, nonacid, mesic Aeric Epiaquepts Raypol Coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal, mixed, active, acid, mesic Aeric Endoaquepts Rhodesfolly Mixed, mesic Fluventic Psammowassents Ridgebury Loamy, mixed, superactive, acid, mesic, shallow Aeric Endoaquepts

7. Within Ambt Delden, only those areas that have gleysol soils with loamy fine sand are taken into account.

8. First, there’s a newfound appreciation of the fresh, elegant Barolos from its loamy, high-in-limestone soils

9. The Arapaho Thornless Blackberry grows biggest, and crops the heaviest, in a well-drained loamy soil

10. The rich loamy smell of the fen autumn night washed over his face; strong, yet fresh.

11. Chicory is an herb and develops a rather deep tap-root that prefers loamy, well-drained soils

12. Loamy and Clayey soils with pH>6.0 Sandy and organic soils with pH 5.5 to 6.5 or Loamy and Clayey soils with pH 5.0 to 6.0 Sandy and organic soils with pH<5.5 or Loamy and Clayey soils with pH<5.0 Na and/or Mg sulfate (ppm) Less than 1000 1000 to 7000 More than 7000 NaCl (ppm) Less than 2000 2000 to 10000 More than 10000

13. MLRA-42, SD-1: Bottomland Overview The loamy site occurs largely on relatively level, lower portions of piedmont slopes

14. Most Bulbs prefer loamy, well-drained soil and partial shade to full sun (check your Bulbs for specifics)

15. A good gardener would never overlook the importance of a more loamy and Airified soil for plant performance

16. Moreover, Malatya Kayısısı trees ideally grow in slightly alkaline (pH 7,5-8,5) loamy soils with high lime contents.

17. Although Bougainvillea vines tolerate many types of soil, they prefer loamy soil that contains clay, sand and silt in equal parts

18. The Birome series consists of moderately deep, well drained, slowly permeable soils that formed in iron enriched loamy and clayey sediments

19. Accordingly, the land is of alluvial origin, sandy, loamy/clayey, fresh, deep and fertile with good exposure and good water storage capacity.

20. Accordingly, the land is of alluvial origin, sandy, loamy/clayey, fresh, deep and fertile with good exposure and good water storage capacity

21. In another study, four strains of bacteria and 2 of fungi, which decomposed Benomyl to non-fungistatic compounds, were isolated from loamy garden soil(3)

22. The Billett series consists of very deep, well drained and moderately well drained soils formed in water-deposited or wind-deposited loamy or sandy sediments

23. Sauer D, Schűlli-Maurer I, Sperstad R, Sørensen R, Stahr K (2009) Albeluvisol development with time in loamy marine sediments of southern Norway

24. IPU adsorption as well as leaching were also shown to be affected by tillage practice and application of urban compost in a loamy Albeluvisol (Pot et al., 2011)

25. The production area is located in the flood plain of the river Piave, characterised by alluvial sandy-loamy soils which are loose, soft, neutral to subalkaline, permeable and well-drained.

26. Users are advised not to apply Atrazine to sand and loamy sand soils where the water table (groundwater) is close to the surface and where these soils are very permeable, i.e., well-drained

27. Acid, loamy topsoil of a mixed hardwood forest was filled into lysimeters to determine whether the application of sewage sludge at the amount of 160 m3/ha does influence the chemical composition of sepage.

28. The fruity, full-bodied aromas (forest fruit, redcurrant, blackberry, blueberry) are noticeable in red wines, particularly those produced from the soils of the Hodod hills (Hodod, Nadișu Hododului etc. villages), which have loamy, often carbonate, sediments rich in nutrients where large amounts of anthocyanins accumulate and benefit these wines.

29. Hamilton military watches have loquacious this baal of harrod, have alongside argive that by cryoanesthesia larboard to a diplomatical mrs in their loamy Bridgeables, they would, functionality the scoundrelly pull-through, commercialise fortnightly ecdemic and flubd in their subordinatenesss, their tweeds, and their flamefishs.The unsufferable

30. Autogamy, etc ; Haplothrips; Mollugo; anemochory; breeding; flowering; flowers; fruits; habitats; hydrochory; insect pollination; seed set; soil; Show all 13 Subjects Abstract: Mollugo cerviana is an annual herb which usually grows throughout the year in open dry sandy and sandy-loamy soils, but also occurs in moist habitats, especially in

31. Cleavers (Galium aparine) are tenacious annuals, growing in dense mats in loamy, nitrogen-rich meadows, forests, thickets and along seashores in the temperate climates of Europe, Northern Africa, Asia and North America.With its square-shaped stem and sticky hairs, they manage to stick to whatever passes them by, earning them memorable nicknames like “velcro plant,” “grip grass,” …